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A book is out! If you are a second year student of Economics Honours and EHI is haunting you - here is a relief. A book by 3 students of St. Stephen's College for preparing EHI for your Semesters.
Price : INR 100/-
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Here's sneaking some look at the preface, written by the authors!!! Happy reading :)
If you think the paper ‘Economic History of India’ in the course of the Economics Honors is a monster, something that an innocent economics lover has to grapple with, day in and day out in his sophomore year, and that things could be made much simpler, then you are the person this book has been written for.
We have consolidated, crystallized, summarized and organized the material to be read in a friendly format. The book will provide a heavenly respite from the spiral reading and in some probability act as a perfect substitute to the reading, as far as the examination is concerned.
The authors are third year students (rolling in the annual mode) who went through the ordeal of the paper and felt an empathy deficit in the system when the market would have no worthwhile help books or notes for the students. This is a humble attempt to share our knowledge that we gained over the entire year and the notes that we individually made for our personal reference.
However history lovers are strictly warned against the shallowness of the text. Probably you could search for some extra references on Indian Economic History in the library for strengthening your knowledge and then get back to us for helping write the successive editions of this book.
How to Study?
1. It is advisable to read the prescribed reading to get a feel of the time period which has been described.
2. Then check out the corresponding chapter in your EurekaWow help book and go through thoroughly. You will find that the chapter in many places may be a repetition of the original reading but that it very elegantly puts paras and paras of useless babbling in the text in perspective and arranges them in neat paragraphs.
Since most economics students are not adept at the art of writing long digressive answers, we offer you enough material to remember for writing your final answer in the exam. Since the material is structured, you would be able to have the twin qualities of length and structure in your answer!
A word of advice - shh…please don’t tell anyone
Logically thinking, that appears true since any sensible individual would get tired of reading sheets after sheets of cursive writing blurting out the same thing. The trick here to score is – product differentiation. Make your answer different from a clichéd one. Write the same material, don’t digress much, but write it in a manner which pleases the eyes of examiners. Leave enough spacing, margins at the corners, give a lot of sub headings, try making little flow charts here and there just to put your point across and be sure to extract a decent score for each answer
P.S. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors. All errors are our own.