Thursday, June 23, 2011


We were texting each other late at 12 in the night. I was anxious to know about her visit to the slum at Majnu Ka Tilla that morning. Aleesha had talked to me on the subject a few days back. She had seen a poor lady sitting for alms for quite a few days where she went for her morning walk. There was something unusual about the lady, perhaps her composure that touched my friend and she decided to go up to her and talk. The lady narrated a poignant tale of disease, hardship and life in penury.

There was more to come. The poor lady never asked for alms, she just sat there and waited for some strangers to come by. On subsequent early morning meetings, she told my friend about the world she hailed from, how hard it was and how her family lived from hand to mouth. My friend decided to visit the slum she lived at – Majnu Ka Tilla near Vidhan Sabha. I had recently recovered from something called ‘acute gastroenteritis with hepatitis’ and was advised against venturing into unhygienic surroundings. Aleesha decided to tell me about the visit later. Together with Priyanka and Gaurav, two of our ultra sweet friends always ready to help, she personally went to the place hoping to get a feel of the ground situation to help the people.

It was late April – our exams were starting 12th May – University exams, the first ones we were going to take at the undergrad level. Texting was taxing since there was loads to talk about, so Aleesha called. As always, she had well thought of the entire situation and was charting out an action plan to help the people – calling on some NGOs, getting their kids to the college and organizing classes, writing to the government, googling about already existing schemes and the ilk. I patiently told her it was April already, we could always do this job later after exams.

“In June?”

“But we will go home in June or will be busy interning, so we could definitely do it in July when the college reopens? “ I replied in a voice seeking to pacify more than answer.

“It will be too late, Jalnidh…the lady suffers from T.B. and her husband is sick with a chronic illness…Tell me, are examinations more important or human beings? It’s a question of life and death for her and that of just a few extra marks for us.”

I realized the depth of her words and that of her soul, which stood in striking contrast with the shallowness of my thoughts.

The months passed. Its late June already. We were unable to help. I wonder what happened to the lady and if she still follows her early morning routine of coming to the ridge to beg. Perhaps Aleesha might have made an arrangement, we have been geographically dispersed for long and not quite been in touch.

Is it really?
But I still grapple with the question. Steven Levitt said numbers don’t lie – human beings and governments might. Would that number on my marksheet truly represent my worth as an economics undergrad student? Would it not conceal more than it will reveal? The true opportunity cost of preparing for the examination was huge and I had made unequivocally, an irrational choice. 


  1. You are absolutely right about this QUESTION of yours Jalnidh...I share te same fears and 'grapple' with the same question. But my mother recently told me something, which left quite an impression in my mind, inorder for us to help them in the true sense of the word, firstly we need to empower ourselves. these people need help and in a place like India, help is only given to the needy or rather I should say support is given to the recognised or the powerful. So jalnidh, what you are doing at this point of time is very commendable indeed, but we have to keep the studies in the forefront of our mind as that is the only tool which will help us combat the adversities of all these peoblems of the people.

  2. you are right, i see light in your words, in fact. We have to be entrepreneurs of tomorrow and help them in the long term in the truest sense. 'Empower ourselves' - i'll remember that!

  3. Jalnidh! its true that it hurts gravely when one acts against his or her own conscience!! I was totally disturbed after that visit to the slum and I couldn't take it to myself that I can't do anything now and my duty is to concentrate on my studies then!! The voice within me was constantly forcing me to find out ways even amidst discouragements! And finally I did give it a try. I enquired about an ashram nearby which was in fact just the other side of the road. It was an Old Age home kinda thing run by nuns. I talked to them and found that though they were kinda sympathising about her infront of me they told that they can do sumthn only 2-3 weeks later as they were busy with the preparations for some feast and another function and stuff! I was shocked and perturbed by the fact even the people whom I trusted to have dedicated their lives for social cause was actually considering some physical attributes more important than "LIFE". Though the individual attempt was unsuccessful, instead of returning back with a heaving heart I found myself surprisingly relaxed!! The realization or the true experience about the actual colour of the outer world gave me a satisfaction regarding the fact that I am learning about the world through painful experiences as Jesus rightly said Unless a seed dies it won't bear fruits for the world!! The whole survey in UP was full of such instances wherein u just stand in the so called "practical" world but deep inside if you wud hv questioned sincerely one wud feel a deep sense of remorse of not doing wt ought to hv done!! Yes I do agree that v r in the process of empowering ourselves!! But probe into your conscience deeply aren't we already empowered enough as a team of STEPHANIANS to do little things to these lowly ones if not on a wider scale but at an indivdual level atleast!! At the outset this might appear impractical!! But impracticality paves way to practicality if u luk at it frm the viewpoint of Adventure and spirit of the consciences and thatz hw new thrilling ventures have always taken births!!

  4. It makes sense for us to help people at this stage and I am all for it, no doubt. To say that we are not yet empowered is not to postpone our social service but I guess a more grounded view on the nature of service we do. Today we are empowered in the sense of only being able to browse the internet to find funding agencies, writing emails for help but tomorrow we can be in a better position to extend our help. Today we are feeding them, tomorrow we can teach them to fish.
    Of course, that commitment for tomorrow cannot come unless the seed for it sprouts today and unless we make a headway in the direction, as you have so beautifully encouraged me to, I salute your passion for it, my friend :)


The lesson on dispersion

      This teachers' day, I fondly remember a teaching tale from my time as an economics teacher at Akal Academy, Baru Sahib in 2017.   ...