Saturday, October 3, 2015



Sometimes it flows like a liquid
Filling the crevices
That the weariness of the day created
To the cusp.
It takes the shape of all empty spaces within
Voids and vacuums of thoughts
And fills them all
With a rare glory.

Sometimes it is solid
And fits the inner surroundings
Like the last piece of jigsaw
Connecting with a click
Completing an incomplete tapestry.

Sometimes it rises
Like vapour
From the depths of the heart
Lending voice
To all that remained unsaid
All that remained unexpressed
And then travels
Like a wave
Connecting hearts
Through rhythmic heartbeats
That share a mutual melody

Souls of songs and beings
Have perfectly


1 comment:

  1. exactly....and the choice of music according to the situation really matters...esp when u r faaaar away from home...!!!
    very well written..!!!


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      This teachers' day, I fondly remember a teaching tale from my time as an economics teacher at Akal Academy, Baru Sahib in 2017.   ...