Tuesday, October 20, 2015



If you asked me today ‘What is it that gives you the most joy?’

My most honest answer will be ‘Words’.

Yes, just words and nothing else. Neither economics. Nor psychology. Nor research. Nor teaching. Nor playing. Nor anything else.

Just words.

I can be secluded from all worldly chores and soak myself in the company of words.

Words that are pithy, terse or lucid. Words that convey oceans of meaning. Words that help me place all my thoughts in perspective. Words that put an end to all the rambling and place an entire universe of thoughts in orbit.

It has been a serendipitous occurrence. The discovery of a friend next door who needs help with the vocab preparation for her entrance. I had just casually skimmed through one of her books when I felt ensnared by the pull of words that jogged my memory. Words that I had commonly associated with numerous people in my head suddenly woke up from their state of dormancy.

Our initial word exchange went on to a spontaneous word game – she would think of a person and describe a peculiar trait of that person at length and ask me if there was a word for such a person. I would try to think of a word that would most closely match the description. We would invariably go on to tangents after tangents discovering a whole new world about each other, the people we deal with every day, our perspectives on numerous different types of people.

Moments like these feel so light and timeless. As if someone has just pulled me out from a diagram with multiple constraints and frontiers towering over my head to an unbounded space.


Saturday, October 3, 2015



Sometimes it flows like a liquid
Filling the crevices
That the weariness of the day created
To the cusp.
It takes the shape of all empty spaces within
Voids and vacuums of thoughts
And fills them all
With a rare glory.

Sometimes it is solid
And fits the inner surroundings
Like the last piece of jigsaw
Connecting with a click
Completing an incomplete tapestry.

Sometimes it rises
Like vapour
From the depths of the heart
Lending voice
To all that remained unsaid
All that remained unexpressed
And then travels
Like a wave
Connecting hearts
Through rhythmic heartbeats
That share a mutual melody

Souls of songs and beings
Have perfectly


The lesson on dispersion

      This teachers' day, I fondly remember a teaching tale from my time as an economics teacher at Akal Academy, Baru Sahib in 2017.   ...